
simple feed reader - forked from https://git.codemadness.org/sfeed
git clone git://src.gearsix.net/sfeedsfeed.zip
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commit 914516209ddab8459ef99bd12ad211dab9b2a26d
parent ab4c508def7fa6af0b38aa34c0bb048a89fc78ad
Author: Hiltjo Posthuma <hiltjo@codemadness.org>
Date:   Wed, 23 Sep 2015 23:48:15 +0200

update documentation, dont use semantic Ar for non-arguments

Msfeed.1 | 18+++++++++---------
Msfeed_frames.1 | 6+++---
Msfeed_update.1 | 4++--
Msfeed_web.1 | 4++--
4 files changed, 16 insertions(+), 16 deletions(-)

diff --git a/sfeed.1 b/sfeed.1 @@ -30,25 +30,25 @@ added as a formatted text field. .Pp The order and format of the fields are: .Bl -tag -width 17n -.It Ar item timestamp +.It item timestamp UNIX timestamp in UTC+0, empty on parse failure. -.It Ar item timestamp +.It item timestamp Date and time in the format: YYYY-mm-dd HH:MM:SS (UTC[+-][HHMM])|tz. -.It Ar item title +.It item title Title text, HTML in titles is treated as plain-text (on purpose). -.It Ar item link +.It item link Absolute url, unsafe characters are encoded. -.It Ar item content +.It item content Newlines and TABs are escaped. Control characters are removed. See the .Sx TAB-SEPARATED FORMAT FIELDS text. -.It Ar item content\-type +.It item content\-type "html" or "plain". -.It Ar item id +.It item id RSS item GUID or Atom id. -.It Ar item author +.It item author Item author. -.It Ar feed type +.It feed type "rss" or "atom". .El .Sh SEE ALSO diff --git a/sfeed_frames.1 b/sfeed_frames.1 @@ -20,12 +20,12 @@ parameters are specified and so the data is read from stdin the feed name is named "unnamed". .Sh FILES WRITTEN .Bl -tag -width 13n -.It Ar index.html +.It index.html The main HTML file referencing to the frames items.html and menu.html. -.It Ar items.html +.It items.html Contains all the items as HTML links to the local content. -.It Ar menu.html +.It menu.html Menu frame which contains navigation "anchor" links to the feed names in items.html. .El diff --git a/sfeed_update.1 b/sfeed_update.1 @@ -39,10 +39,10 @@ speedup updating. .El .Sh FILES WRITTEN .Bl -tag -width 17n -.It Ar feedname +.It feedname TAB-separated format containing all items per feed. The sfeed_update script merges new items with this file. -.It Ar feedname.new +.It feedname.new Temporary file used by sfeed_update to merge items. .El .Sh EXAMPLES diff --git a/sfeed_web.1 b/sfeed_web.1 @@ -19,14 +19,14 @@ Optional base url to use for found feed urls that are relative. .Sh OUTPUT FORMAT url<TAB>content\-type<newline> .Bl -tag -width Ds -.It Ar url +.It url Found absolute url. If the url is relative and the .Ar baseurl option is specified then the url is made absolute. If the url is relative and no .Ar baseurl option is specified it is empty. -.It Ar content\-type +.It content\-type Usually application/atom+xml or application/rss+xml. .El .Sh EXAMPLES