
simple feed reader - forked from https://git.codemadness.org/sfeed
git clone git://src.gearsix.net/sfeedsfeed.zip
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sfeed_web.1 (raw) (1132B)

      1 .Dd July 27, 2021
      2 .Dt SFEED_WEB 1
      3 .Os
      4 .Sh NAME
      5 .Nm sfeed_web
      6 .Nd finds URLs to feeds from a HTML webpage
      7 .Sh SYNOPSIS
      8 .Nm
      9 .Op Ar baseurl
     11 .Nm
     12 reads the HTML data of the webpage from stdin and writes the found URLs to
     13 stdout.
     14 .Pp
     15 Such a link reference in HTML code looks like:
     16 .Bd -literal
     17 	<link rel="alternate" href="atom.xml" type="application/atom+xml" />
     18 .Ed
     19 .Sh OPTIONS
     20 .Bl -tag -width 8n
     21 .It Ar baseurl
     22 Optional base URL to use for found feed URLs that are relative.
     23 .El
     25 url<TAB>content-type<newline>
     26 .Bl -tag -width Ds
     27 .It URL
     28 Found relative or absolute URL.
     29 .Pp
     30 For relative URLs if a <base href="..." /> tag is found it will be used,
     31 otherwise if the
     32 .Ar baseurl
     33 option is specified then that is used, if neither are set then the relative URL
     34 is printed.
     35 .It content-type
     36 Usually application/atom+xml or application/rss+xml.
     37 .El
     38 .Sh EXIT STATUS
     39 .Ex -std
     40 .Sh EXAMPLES
     41 Get URLs from a website:
     42 .Bd -literal
     43 curl -s -L 'https://codemadness.org/' | sfeed_web 'https://codemadness.org/'
     44 .Ed
     45 .Sh SEE ALSO
     46 .Xr sfeed_update 1 ,
     47 .Xr sh 1
     48 .Sh AUTHORS
     49 .An Hiltjo Posthuma Aq Mt hiltjo@codemadness.org