
x package manager, a uniform interface to various POSIX package managers
git clone git://src.gearsix.net/xpmxpm.zip
Log | Files | Refs | Atom | README

commit e806c1131f43a272627d427df74f052eb792a464
parent a175ac605a6db901790d3aaa11b1ee82b639139b
Author: gearsix <gearsix@tuta.io>
Date:   Thu, 17 Mar 2022 17:22:05 +0000

doc: updated README

MREADME.md | 20+++++++++++++++++++-
1 file changed, 19 insertions(+), 1 deletion(-)

diff --git a/README.md b/README.md @@ -6,11 +6,29 @@ A sh script to provide a generic interface to whatever package manager your syst The goal of this project is to avoid the requirement for doing the mental check required when interfacing with your systems package manager, useful if you hop between systems frequently. + +## configure + +It also tracks installed/uninstalled packages (only what you've requested for install, not including its dependencies) in `~/.local/share/xpm/installed.txt`. + +Tracking installed packages can be disabled by setting *XPM_NOTRACK* to 1, either in your environment. + + +## install + +`install ./xpm.sh [INSTALL DIR]/xpm` + +**INSTALL DIR** can be any directory in your *$PATH*, common locations are: + +- */usr/local/bin* (requires sudo) +- *~/.local/bin* + + ## notes - Add hooking (รก la githooks) + ## authors - gearsix -