
My personal collection of scripts
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commit f03730dbc6038a8ef1a487b64d9bde67844f773e
parent 8f50b3e80942263d5a6a153e6f2fa8a6333ec1af
Author: gearsix <>
Date:   Tue,  7 Mar 2023 11:52:21 +0000

README: updated with new scripts

Diffstat: | 17++++++++++-------
1 file changed, 10 insertions(+), 7 deletions(-)

diff --git a/ b/ @@ -52,9 +52,9 @@ Personally find `grepf` and `while-true` to by the most frequently used. ## windows (powershell) scripts -- **random** - a script I use to select a random item in a directory. -- **zipto7z** - converts all .zip files in current directory to .7z. - +- *random* - a script I use to select a random item in a directory. +- *zipto7z* - converts all .zip files in current directory to .7z. +- *flac2mp3* - convert flac files to mp3 files using ffmpeg. ## any @@ -72,7 +72,7 @@ I make an effort to keep to **sh** when I can - for compatibility-sake. Scripts related to string parsing/manipulation - *strindex* - print the index (from 0..n) of the first character in substring $1 found in string $2. -- **grepf** - find all files in dir $1, that conatin string $2. I use this one a lot. +- *grepf* - find all files in dir $1, that conatin string $2. I use this one a lot. - *randstr* - generate a random string. **file management** @@ -88,26 +88,29 @@ Scripts related to string parsing/manipulation **tooling** -- **pyserve** - shorthand for `python3 -m http.server --directory $1`. +- *pyserve* - shorthand for `python3 -m http.server --directory $1`. - *git-cfg* - shorthand for calling `git config --local $1 && git config --local $2`. - You can also use it for setting global config using `-g` - *git-clone-bulk* - clone a list of git repositories. - *git-pull-all* - pull all remote git branches from the current upstream. +- *git-pradd* - git diff $@, for each prompt y/n whether to git add it - *gobuild* - build a go module in all available output formats, useful for releases. - *preview-md* - convert a markdown file $1 to html, open if $2 == "-o" or "--open". - Uses cmark by default, set conversion tool and default output destination in src. - *compress-pdf* - compress a .pdf file ($1), requires *ghostscript* (*gs*). +- *rled* - invoke ed with a readline wrapper (for input history) +- *gnome-shell-cycle-wallpaper* - One I used to cycle the wallpaper on a GNOME desktop infrequently **misc** - *shush* - run $@ in the background and hide output. - *pomodoro* - a [pomodoro]( timer. -- **while-true** - clear the terminal, run $1 sleep ($2 || 1 sec), repeat forever (Ctrl+C to cancel). +- *while-true* - clear the terminal, run $1 sleep ($2 || 1 sec), repeat forever (Ctrl+C to cancel). - *onfilech* - stat a file ($1) every 10 seconds, if the output changes, run a command ($2...$n). **depreciated** -This contains scripts that I once used but eventually realised were useless. +This contains scripts that I once used but aren't required anymore (or I eventually realised were useless). ## authors