
My dotfile manager
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commit c2a7cdd61d682e8671b65e480ad05488b2823367
parent a23b1a626bcca6f5d813f7569ff49818d66ad05b
Author: GeaRSiX <>
Date:   Mon, 27 Jul 2020 12:55:27 +0100

updated README for v2.0.0

Diffstat: | 135++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++-----------------------------------
1 file changed, 76 insertions(+), 59 deletions(-)

diff --git a/ b/ @@ -16,96 +16,112 @@ This is a really simple python script I wrote to manage dotfiles. I had a brief --- ## usage -There's an array near the top of the file (`DOTFILE_LOCATIONS`) that informs _dotfm_ of alias names for calling a dotfile and where to install that dotfile. Feel free to modify this array to your liking. -### cheatsheet -**Note:** For the following examples, _$DOTFILES_ will be used to address the src folder dotfiles are stored in. +``` + usage: dotfm [-h] [-d] [-v] [-q] COMMAND DOTFILE... -- **Install** a dotfile: `dotfm install $DOTFILES/bashrc` (will **ln -s** _$DOTFILES/bashrc_ -> _~/.bashrc_) -- **Uninstall** a dotfile: `dotfm remove bashrc` (will **rm** _~/.bashrc_) -- **Edit** a dotfile: `dotfm edit bashrc` (will open _.bashrc_ in _$EDITOR_ or _nano_) -- **Install all** your dotfiles: `dotfm install-all $DOTFILES` (runs **dotfm install** on all files in _$DOTFILES_) -- **List** your dotfm dotfile aliases and their location: `dotfm list $DOTFILE` + a simple tool to help you manage your dot files. -### details -#### DOTFILE\_LOCATIONS + positional arguments: + COMMAND the dotfm COMMAND to execute: ['install', 'remove', 'edit', 'list'] + DOTFILE the target dotfile to execute COMMAND on -_DOTFILE\_LOCATIONS_ is a multi-dimensional array near the top of _src/dotfm.py_ (under _GLOBALS_). Think of this array as your _config file_ for now. + optional arguments: + -h, --help show this help message and exit + -d, --debug display debug logs + -v, --version show program's version number and exit + -q, --quiet tell dotfm to shutup +``` -**It's important this array has the correct values for dotfm to work.** +\* Multiple DOTFILE args can be passed -Each element of it is an array with _two values_: `[['dotfile_alias', ...], 'dotfile_install_path']` +### commands -- **[dotfile\_alias, ...]** = An array of names you'd like to use to call this dotfile (at least one value should match the dotfile's name in your $DOTFILE repo) -- **dotfile\_install\_path** = Filepath of where the dotfile should install to (include filename, e.g. `'/home/{}/.bashrc'.format(USER)`) - -#### dotfm install DOTFILE\_PATH -_DOTFILE_ should be **path** of the **dotfile to install**. +<details> + <summary><b>dotfm install DOTFILE...</b> = create a symlink to DOTFILE... at it's install location</summary> -**If the base name of _DOTFILE_ is recognised**, _dotfm_ will make sure the directory to install the dotfile to exists and then create a symbolic link at that location to _DOTFILE_. -If a file already exists at the install location, you'll get a prompt asking whether you want to: + Multiple DOTFILE args can be passed. -- _\[o\]verwrite_ = move the existing file to _(existing file location).bak_ and force create the symbolic link -- _\[c\]ompare_ = print out a _diff_ of the two files and return to these options -- _\[a\]bort_ = abort the installation + DOTFILE... should be the filepath of the dotfile to install -**If the base name of _DOTFILE_ isn't found** in the alias lists in _DOTFILE\_LOCATIONS_, then the install will abort. You'll have to manually add your dotfile to _DOTFILE_LOCATIONS_ or modify it's aliases to include yours. Make sure to re-install afterwards. + If the basename of DOTFILE is a recognised alias in KNOWN_DOTFILES, then dotfm will install it automatically. -#### dotfm remove DOTFILE\_NAME -_DOTFILE_ should be the **name** of the **dotfile to remove**. + If the basename of DOTFILE is not a recognised alias in KNOWN_DOTFILES, then dotfm will prompt you for an install location and aliases to recognise the dotfile with -**WARNING!** This will _rm_ the file named _DOTFILE_ from it's install location (found in _DOTFILE\_LOCATIONS_). + If a file already exists at the install location of the dotfile, you will be prompted askin whether you want to: + - [o]verwrite = move the existing file to (existing file location).bak and install the dotfile + - [c]ompare = print out a diff -y of the two files and return to this prompt + - [a]bort = abort the dotfm runtime + + Feel free to fork this repo and modify KNOWN DOTFILES +</details> -_This is a destructive function and you will **permenantly lose the file**._ This should be fine in most cases if you installed the file with _dotfm_ as it will only rm the symlink to your source dotfile, It's always best to make sure you check though. +<details> + <summary><b>dotfm remove DOTFILE...</b> = remove the file at the install location of the installed dotfile with a matching alias</summary> -#### dotfm edit DOTFILE\_NAME -_DOTFILE_ should be the **name** of the **dotfile to edit**. + This function will rm the file at the install location. -This will open the _DOTFILE_ in the editor set in your environment variables as _EDITOR_. If _EDITOR_ is not set, then it will open it in _nano_. + Multiple DOTFILE args can be passed. + + DOTFILE... should be an alias for the dotfile to remove. + + DOTFILE... will only be removed if they exist in DOTFM_CSV_FILE (tracks dotfiles installed by dotfm) + + Since this is a destructive function (uses rm), you will permenantly lose the file. This should be fine in most cases, however it's always best to check. +</details> -The file opened is located at the matching install location found in _DOTFILE\_LOCATIONS_. +<details> + <summary><b>dotfm edit DOTFILE...</b> = edit a dotfile</summary> -#### dotfm install-all DOTFILE\_DIR -_DOTFILE_DIR_ should be a **directory path** containing the source files of all the **dotfiles to install** + Multiple DOTFILE args can be passed. + + DOTFILE... should be an alias for the dotfile to remove. + + This will simply open the file at the corresponding dotfiles install location + + The editor the dotfile is opened in will be whatever the environment variable $EDITOR is set to. If it's not set nano will be used. +</details> -This will recursively run _dotfm install DOTFILE_ on each file found in the specified directory. +<details> + <summary><b>dotfm list [DOTFILE...]</b> = list installed dotfiles</summary> -#### _dotfm list DOTFILE\_NAME_ -Useful if you've forgotten the alias names of your dotfiles or if you've forgotten where they're kept. + Multiple or no dotfiles can be specified -_DOTFILE\_NAME_ can be **all** to **list all known** dotfiles, otherwise it should be the **name** of the **dotfile to list**. + If no DOTFILE... args are passed the all installed dotfiles are listed -### help + if DOTFILE... args are present, then they should correspond to an alias of an installed dotfile +</details> - usage: dotfm [-h] [-d] [-v] COMMAND DOTFILE - - a simple tool to help you manage your dot files, see "man dotfm" for more - - positional arguments: - COMMAND the dotfm COMMAND to execute: ['install', 'remove', 'edit', - 'install-all', 'list'] - DOTFILE name of the dotfile dotfm will execute COMMAND on, for - "install" this must be a path to the dotfile to install - - optional arguments: - -h, --help show this help message and exit - -d, --debug display debug logs - -v, --version show program's version number and exit +### examples + +**Note:** For the following examples, _$DOTFILES_ will be used to address the src folder dotfiles are stored in. + +- **install a dotfile** - `dotfm install $DOTFILES/bashrc` = will **ln -s** _$DOTFILES/bashrc_ -> _~/.bashrc_ +- **remove a dotfile** - `dotfm remove bashrc` = will **rm** _~/.bashrc_ +- **edit a dotfile** - `dotfm edit bashrc` = will open _.bashrc_ in _$EDITOR_ or _nano_ +- **list all dotfiles** - `dotfm list` = displays a printout of all the dotfles +- **list a specific dotfile** - `dotfm list bashrc` = displays a printout of the bashrc dotfile + - Alternatively, you could print the files content outside of dotfm like this: `printf "Location,Aliases...\n$(cat ~/.local/share/dotfm/installed.csv)" | column -t -s,` --- ## installing dotfm -- If you **do** plan on modifying _DOTFILE\_LOCATIONS_ after install _dotfm_ (recommended): `sudo make link`. This will install the script as a symlink. -- If you **don't** plan on modifying _DOTFILE\_LOCATIONS_ after installing _dotfm_: `sudo make install`. This will copy the script. + +Make sure you're in the dotfm directory + +- If you **do** plan on modifying dotfm after install: `sudo make link`. This will install the script as a symlink. +- If you **don't** plan on modifying dotfm after install: `sudo make install`. This will copy the script. ### install location -By default this will install the python script to _/usr/bin/local/dotfm_. + +By default the install location of the python script = _/usr/local/bin/dotfm_. To change this, just modify _Makefile_ and change the value of _DESTDIR_ to your preferred install location. --- ## uninstall dotfm + Just run `sudo make uninstall` while in the same directory as the _Makefile_. --- @@ -119,11 +135,11 @@ _[x] = done; [~] = in-progress; [-] = won't do; [ ] = not started;_ _(W) = Will do; (S) = Should do; (C) = Could do;_ -- [ ] Change `DOTFILE\_LOCATIONS` to use an external config (C) +- [x] Change `DOTFILE\_LOCATIONS` to use an external config (C) - [ ] Allow a remote git repo to be used for calling dotfile source (W) - [ ] Add a double-check to _dotfm remove_(W) -- [ ] Follow symlinks to list source file locations too (?) -- [ ] Move the details section above into man pages (with pdf conversion) (S) +- [x] Follow symlinks to list source file locations too (?) +- [ ] Move the details section above into man pages, probably use txt2man (with pdf conversion) (S) Commands: - [x] <s>List dotfile locations (W)</s> @@ -134,5 +150,6 @@ Commands: --- ## authors + - GeaRSiX <>