
simple feed reader - forked from https://git.codemadness.org/sfeed
git clone git://src.gearsix.net/sfeedsfeed.zip
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sfeed_opml_export (raw) (1318B)

      1 #!/bin/sh
      3 # load config (evaluate shellscript).
      4 # loadconfig(configfile)
      5 loadconfig() {
      6 	# allow to specify config via argv[1].
      7 	if [ "$1" != "" ]; then
      8 		# get absolute path of config file required for including.
      9 		config="$1"
     10 		path=$(readlink -f "${config}" 2>/dev/null)
     11 	else
     12 		# default config location.
     13 		config="$HOME/.sfeed/sfeedrc"
     14 		path="${config}"
     15 	fi
     17 	# config is loaded here to be able to override $sfeedpath or functions.
     18 	if [ -r "${path}" ]; then
     19 		. "${path}"
     20 	else
     21 		printf "Configuration file \"%s\" cannot be read.\n" "${config}" >&2
     22 		echo "See the sfeedrc.example file or the sfeedrc(5) man page for an example." >&2
     23 		exit 1
     24 	fi
     25 }
     27 # override feed function to output OPML XML.
     28 # feed(name, feedurl, [basesiteurl], [encoding])
     29 feed() {
     30 	# uses the characters 0x1f and 0x1e as a separator.
     31 	printf '%s\037%s\036' "$1" "$2"
     32 }
     34 # load config file.
     35 loadconfig "$1"
     37 cat <<!
     38 <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
     39 <opml version="1.0">
     40 <head>
     41 	<title>OPML export from sfeed</title>
     42 </head>
     43 <body>
     44 !
     46 feeds | LC_ALL=C awk '
     47 BEGIN {
     48 	FS = "\x1f"; RS = "\x1e";
     49 }
     50 {
     51 	gsub("&", "\\&amp;");
     52 	gsub("\"", "\\&quot;");
     53 	gsub("'"'"'", "\\&#39;");
     54 	gsub("<", "\\&lt;");
     55 	gsub(">", "\\&gt;");
     57 	print "\t<outline type=\"rss\" title=\"" $1 "\" text=\"" $1 "\" xmlUrl=\"" $2 "\"/>";
     58 }'
     60 cat <<!
     61 </body>
     62 </opml>
     63 !