
simple feed reader - forked from https://git.codemadness.org/sfeed
git clone git://src.gearsix.net/sfeedsfeed.zip
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sfeed_mbox.1 (raw) (1400B)

      1 .Dd August 4, 2021
      2 .Dt SFEED_MBOX 1
      3 .Os
      4 .Sh NAME
      5 .Nm sfeed_mbox
      6 .Nd format feed data to mboxrd
      7 .Sh SYNOPSIS
      8 .Nm
      9 .Op Ar
     11 .Nm
     12 formats feed data (TSV) from
     13 .Xr sfeed 1
     14 from stdin or for each
     15 .Ar file
     16 to stdout in the mboxrd format.
     17 If one or more
     18 .Ar file
     19 arguments are specified then the basename of the
     20 .Ar file
     21 is used as the feed name in the output.
     22 If no
     23 .Ar file
     24 arguments are specified and so the data is read from stdin then the feed name
     25 is empty.
     26 The mbox data can be further processed by tools like
     27 .Xr procmail 1
     28 or
     29 .Xr fdm 1
     30 for example.
     31 See the README file for some examples.
     33 To make further filtering simpler some custom headers are set:
     34 .Bl -tag -width Ds
     35 .It X-Feedname
     36 The feed name, this is the basename of the feed
     37 .Ar file .
     38 .El
     40 .Bl -tag -width Ds
     42 Include the content.
     43 This can be insecure for some of the mail clients that interpret HTML code in
     44 an unsafe way.
     45 By default this is set to "0".
     46 .El
     47 .Sh EXIT STATUS
     48 .Ex -std
     49 .Sh EXAMPLES
     50 .Bd -literal
     51 sfeed_mbox ~/.sfeed/feeds/*
     52 .Ed
     53 .Pp
     54 To include the content.
     55 This can be insecure for some of the mail clients that interpret HTML code in
     56 an unsafe way:
     57 .Bd -literal
     58 SFEED_MBOX_CONTENT=1 sfeed_mbox ~/.sfeed/feeds/*
     59 .Ed
     60 .Sh SEE ALSO
     61 .Xr fdm 1 ,
     62 .Xr procmail 1 ,
     63 .Xr sfeed 1 ,
     64 .Xr sfeed 5
     65 .Sh AUTHORS
     66 .An Hiltjo Posthuma Aq Mt hiltjo@codemadness.org