
simple feed reader - forked from https://git.codemadness.org/sfeed
git clone git://src.gearsix.net/sfeedsfeed.zip
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sfeed_markread (raw) (742B)

      1 #!/bin/sh
      2 # Mark items as read/unread: the input is the read / unread URL per line.
      4 usage() {
      5 	printf "usage: %s <read|unread> [urlfile]\n" "$0" >&2
      6 	echo "" >&2
      7 	echo "An urlfile must be specified as an argument or with the environment variable \$SFEED_URL_FILE" >&2
      8 	exit 1
      9 }
     11 urlfile="${2:-${SFEED_URL_FILE}}"
     12 if [ -z "${urlfile}" ]; then
     13 	usage
     14 fi
     16 case "$1" in
     17 read)
     18 	cat >> "${urlfile}"
     19 	;;
     20 unread)
     21 	tmp=$(mktemp)
     22 	trap "rm -f ${tmp}" EXIT
     23 	[ -f "${urlfile}" ] || touch "${urlfile}" 2>/dev/null
     24 	LC_ALL=C awk -F '\t' '
     25 	{ FILENR += (FNR == 1) }
     26 	FILENR == 1 { urls[$0] = 1 }
     27 	FILENR == 2 { if (!urls[$0]) { print $0 } }
     28 	END { exit(FILENR != 2) }' \
     29 		"-" "${urlfile}" > "${tmp}" && \
     30 		cp "${tmp}" "${urlfile}"
     31 	;;
     32 *)
     33 	usage
     34 	;;
     35 esac