
simple feed reader - forked from https://git.codemadness.org/sfeed
git clone git://src.gearsix.net/sfeedsfeed.zip
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sfeed_markread.1 (raw) (1003B)

      1 .Dd July 25, 2021
      2 .Dt SFEED_MARKREAD 1
      3 .Os
      4 .Sh NAME
      5 .Nm sfeed_markread
      6 .Nd mark items as read/unread
      7 .Sh SYNOPSIS
      8 .Nm
      9 .Ar read | Ar unread
     10 .Op Ar urlfile
     12 .Nm
     13 reads a plain-text list of URLs from stdin.
     14 The file format for the list of URLs is one URL per line.
     15 .Nm
     16 will write to the file specified as
     17 .Ar urlfile
     18 or with the environment variable
     19 .Ev SFEED_URL_FILE .
     20 The
     21 .Nm
     22 script can be used by
     23 .Xr sfeed_curses 1
     24 to mark items as read and unread.
     26 .Bl -tag -width Ds
     27 .It Ev SFEED_URL_FILE
     28 This variable can be set to use as the path to the file containing a
     29 plain-text list of read URLs.
     30 .El
     31 .Sh EXIT STATUS
     32 .Ex -std
     33 .Sh EXAMPLES
     34 .Bd -literal
     35 export SFEED_URL_FILE="$HOME/.sfeed/urls"
     36 echo 'https://codemadness.org/sfeed.html' | sfeed_markread read
     37 .Ed
     38 .Pp
     39 or
     40 .Bd -literal
     41 echo 'https://codemadness.org/sfeed.html' | sfeed_markread read ~/.sfeed/urls
     42 .Ed
     43 .Sh SEE ALSO
     44 .Xr awk 1 ,
     45 .Xr sfeed_curses 1
     46 .Sh AUTHORS
     47 .An Hiltjo Posthuma Aq Mt hiltjo@codemadness.org