sfeed_gopher.1 (raw) (1706B)
1 .Dd May 14, 2022 2 .Dt SFEED_GOPHER 1 3 .Os 4 .Sh NAME 5 .Nm sfeed_gopher 6 .Nd format feed data to Gopher files 7 .Sh SYNOPSIS 8 .Nm 9 .Op Ar 10 .Sh DESCRIPTION 11 .Nm 12 formats feed data (TSV) from 13 .Xr sfeed 1 14 from stdin or for each 15 .Ar file 16 to stdout in the raw Gopher output format. 17 .Pp 18 If one or more 19 .Ar file 20 arguments are specified then the basename of the 21 .Ar file 22 is used as the feed name in the output. 23 .Nm 24 creates an index file named "index" and for each feed it creates a file with 25 the same name as the basename of the feed 26 .Ar file . 27 .Pp 28 If no 29 .Ar file 30 arguments are specified and so the data is read from stdin then the data is 31 written to stdout and no files are written. 32 .Pp 33 Items with a timestamp from the last day compared to the system time at the 34 time of formatting are counted and marked as new. 35 Items are marked as new with the prefix "N" at the start of the line. 36 .Sh ENVIRONMENT 37 .Bl -tag -width Ds 38 .It Ev SFEED_GOPHER_PATH 39 This environment variable can be used as the prefix for each path in the 40 index file. 41 The default is "/". 42 .It Ev SFEED_GOPHER_HOST 43 This environment variable can be used as the Gopher Host field. 44 The default is "". 45 .It Ev SFEED_GOPHER_PORT 46 This environment variable can be used as the Gopher Port field. 47 The default is "70". 48 .El 49 .Sh EXIT STATUS 50 .Ex -std 51 .Sh EXAMPLES 52 .Bd -literal 53 SFEED_GOPHER_HOST="codemadness.org" SFEED_GOPHER_PATH="/feeds/" \e 54 sfeed_gopher ~/.sfeed/feeds/* 55 .Ed 56 .Sh SEE ALSO 57 .Xr sfeed 1 , 58 .Xr sfeed 5 59 .Sh STANDARDS 60 .Rs 61 .%D March 1993 62 .%R RFC 1436 63 .%T The Internet Gopher Protocol 64 .Re 65 .Sh AUTHORS 66 .An Hiltjo Posthuma Aq Mt hiltjo@codemadness.org 67 .Sh CAVEATS 68 The common-used 'h' and 'i' types are used in this program. 69 These types are an extension to Gopher.