sfeed_atom.1 (raw) (788B)
1 .Dd July 31, 2021 2 .Dt SFEED_ATOM 1 3 .Os 4 .Sh NAME 5 .Nm sfeed_atom 6 .Nd format feed data to an Atom feed 7 .Sh SYNOPSIS 8 .Nm 9 .Op Ar 10 .Sh DESCRIPTION 11 .Nm 12 formats feed data (TSV) from 13 .Xr sfeed 1 14 from stdin or for each 15 .Ar file 16 to stdout as an Atom (XML) feed. 17 If one or more 18 .Ar file 19 arguments are specified then the basename of the 20 .Ar file 21 is used as the feed name in the output. 22 If no 23 .Ar file 24 arguments are specified and so the data is read from stdin then the feed name 25 is empty. 26 .Pp 27 If 28 .Nm 29 is reading from one or more 30 .Ar file 31 arguments it will prefix the entry title with "[feed name] ". 32 .Sh EXIT STATUS 33 .Ex -std 34 .Sh EXAMPLES 35 .Bd -literal 36 sfeed_atom ~/.sfeed/feeds/* 37 .Ed 38 .Sh SEE ALSO 39 .Xr sfeed 1 , 40 .Xr sfeed_plain 1 , 41 .Xr sfeed 5 42 .Sh AUTHORS 43 .An Hiltjo Posthuma Aq Mt hiltjo@codemadness.org