
My personal collection of scripts
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      1 #!/usr/bin/env bash
      2 # cat & remove
      3 # description: cat $@ and prompt to rm
      5 if [ "$1" = "-h" ] || [ "$1" = "--help" ]; then
      6 	echo "Usage: 'catrm FILEPATHS...'"
      7 	echo ""
      8 	echo "prompt to remove listed files, with an option to (c)at them"
      9 	exit
     10 fi
     12 ync=
     13 for f in $@; do
     14 	unset ync
     15 	while [ ! $ync ]; do
     16 		read -p "remove '$(readlink -f $f)' [y/n/c]? " -n 1 ync
     17 		echo ""
     18 		if   [ "$ync" == "y" ]; then rm $f
     19 		elif [ "$ync" == "c" ]; then cat $f; unset ync
     20 		elif [ "$ync" == "n" ]; then continue;
     21 		else unset ync; fi
     22 	done
     23 done