sfeedrc (raw) (1171B)
1 # list of feeds to fetch: 2 feeds() { 3 # feed <name> <feedurl> [basesiteurl] [encoding] 4 # games 5 feed "open xcom" "https://openxcom.org/feed/" 6 # dev 7 feed "research!rsc" "https://research.swtch.com/feed.atom" 8 feed "codemadness" "https://www.codemadness.nl/atom.xml" 9 feed "Shining Rock Software" "https://shiningrocksoftware.com/feed/" 10 # tech 11 feed "null program" "https://nullprogram.com/feed/" 12 feed "hackaday" "https://hackaday.com/blog/feed/" 13 feed "linux kernel" "https://www.kernel.org/feeds/kdist.xml" "https://www.kernel.org" 14 feed "nodejs releases" "https://nodejs.org/en/feed/releases.xml" 15 feed "opensuse" "https://news.opensuse.org/feed.xml" 16 # funny 17 feed "garfield" "https://www.comicsrss.com/rss/garfield.rss" 18 feed "garfield-classics" "https://www.comicsrss.com/rss/garfield-classics.rss" 19 feed "explosm" "http://feeds.feedburner.com/Explosm" 20 feed "xkcd" "https://xkcd.com/atom.xml" "https://xkcd.com" 21 # get youtube Atom feed: curl -s -L 'https://www.youtube.com/user/gocoding/videos' | sfeed_web | cut -f 1 22 # misc 23 feed "dictionary of obscure sorrows" "https://www.dictionaryofobscuresorrows.com/rss" 24 feed "gog games" "https://gog-games.com/rss" 25 }